Showing posts with label Matcha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matcha. Show all posts

Following the Sweet Man's Pilgrim at Hatsune and Kinozen

I love the Japanese show 'Kantaro' from Netflix. It's based on the manga Saboriman Ametani Kantarou, following the (mis)adventures of a book salesman juggling between completing his tasks and indulging his sweet addiction during work hours. What I love about Kantaro is the way he describes his sweets finds, he describes them with passion as if he is making love to them. Kantaro is food porn, period.
After watching one season, I made sure that I have to include at least one of the places that were featured in our Tokyo itinerary.

My Anmitsu

Kanmidoko Hatsune 


Founded in 1837, it's Tokyo's oldest confectionary restaurant. This joint is known for its Anmitsu.

It was the feature on the show's pilot episode. For the uninitiated, it resembles an ordinary fruit salad drenched on heavy syrup. Anmitsu is a Japanese dessert that has sweet beans, syrup, mochi (rice cake) and agar for the signature ingredients.
It was late afternoon when we arrived at Hatsune, the place is not so busy that we were able to sit where Kantaro sat. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Using the best of local ingredients, carefully crafted to achieve perfection, no doubt Hatsune etched to every Tokyo residents' hearts. It's their secret why they exist up to this day, sweetening Tokyo's day since it opened almost 200 years ago.
Iron Kettle
My dear 🐻ordered another kind of sweet bean with mochi dessert; while me I came here for the Anmitsu. 
It was not my first time having a dessert with a medley of ingredients of different textures and flavours; Halo-halo' sans ice, the beloved Filipino snack during the torturous heat of summer, which makes my first bowl of Anmitsu as same as enjoying a glass of good ol' halo-halo.

Matcha Bavarian Cream


Matcha Bavarian Cream

Pig shaped rice crackers
In the sixth episode, Kantaro discussed a mouth-watering result when east and west work in harmony in a form of the rich Match Bavarian Cream of Kinozen.
Matcha formed into a creamy jello-like consistency, with a side of sweetened bean paste and whipped cream made from Nakazawa cream. It's a product a year long of hard work and experimentation, with trial and error to attain the right consistency of the gelatinous matcha, and finding the suitable sides to complement altogether. It is Kinozen's main attraction.

Unfortunately, It seems Netflix has cancelled Kantaro after its first season. It saddens me that a show that is really close to my heart has been prematurely ended. I will terribly miss seeing him describing his cravings of the day intimately.
There were also several questions that were left unanswered. Did the 'Sweet Knight' and the 'Sweet Princess' ever meet? What are other joints would Kantaro visit when playing hookie? Did he fulfil his promise to the Almond Tofu?. I can always read the manga version, but nothing matches Matsuya Onoe excellent portrayal of sweet-lusted book salesman.
I'd always say my prayers to the sweet deities for few more seasons. Will my prayers be heard? As Kantaro always say-
Only sweet heaven knows... 八(^□^*)